Wednesday 26 October 2011

Durian Dreamer...

As I lay on my bed today, I had a flash image of something I've been craving for sometime now lol (Can't wait to be home huhuuhuhuhu..) It's stinky, it's so delicious and unbearable to resist (at least it apply to me lol). DURIAN!!!!....Over the years my family and I have enjoyed this fruit sometimes annually and sometimes twice a year since we have our own durian orchard. It's a blessing since everyone in the family are nuts about the fruit. But sadly, we have to fought with few of our neighbors because some of them (the silly and notty ones) will somehow trespassed into the orchard area and steal Durians in the pitch black of midnight. In the early morning we ended up with nothing or if we lucky enough will have the new ones that have dropped that morning. My dad decided to built a high fence divider to control the problem from getting worst. Here are a few picture that have been taken over the year that surrounds the Durian addictions. Have fun :D
Fresh from the orchard :D

Durian Flesh ohhh yummy

Jam in the making

Extra Durian flesh will be stored in the fridge.

Durian Tart!!!

Monday 24 October 2011

Family Favorite's

Whenever we got family gathering or celebrate something like Hari Raya or Kenduri Arwah, my mom will be the most busy person in the household hahahhahaa.....She have to choose what dishes to prepare for the event. Most likely, many of the dishes themselves have their own fans that sometimes requested again and again and again. I would dare say that my mom's cooking is the best (yeah...most of you would say the same thing about your mom) but I'm not saying it because I'm her daughter but many people have given so many positive comments about her dishes. My dad's friend, Uncle Lee, always came to Hari Raya visit looking for my mom's Beriani Rice+Rendang. He would try to keep his belly not full (because before came to our house, he will visit some of his friends house on the way to ours) and would eat my mom's Beriani Rice+Rendang with smile of satisfaction on his face. So, without further a due let's see what's my family favorite dishes shall we?

Nasi Beriani @ Beriani Rice
Daging Masak Prune @ Beef slow cooked in prune gravy
Daging Masak Kari @ Beef Curry
Daging Opor @ Beef Opor 

Ayam Rendang @ Chicken Rendang
Ayam Masak Kurma @ Chicken Korma
Ikan Kering Talang Sambal Pedas @ Salted fish cubes with spicy sambal
Daging Masak Kicap @ Beef with spicy soy sauce
Ikan Sweet & Sour @ Sweet & Sour fish

Sunday 23 October 2011

Say Cheese!

There are so many recipes that used cheese as the main ingredient these days. In my household, everyone loves cheese whether in savory dishes, desserts or even as a snacks. One day, I've an urge to try cheesecake recipe. Beforehand, my sister have occasionally make for us the non-bake version cheesecake. Her favorites is Oreo Cheesecake. I'm going to try another method of creating a cheesecake that is by baking it. It's quite unnerving since I never tried the bake method before. But I follow with my gut and continue with execution lol. In my first attempt in cheese baking I choose the Marble Cheesecake.After carefully following every steps of the baking process, finally my pre-done cheesecake are ready for the oven steam bath or a technique they called "Bain-Marie". After few minutes baking in the oven, it's time to switch off the oven and I saw the glimpse of victory hahahhaaa.... I still can't take out the cheesecake from the oven yet. It's to make sure that the cheesecake doesn't burst and collapse due to the change of temperature. I have to let it rest for a few more minutes in the oven so that it can gradually set the cheesecake with the oven temperature. This is the result from the first try....

Since I proudly passed the first recipe, I can't wait to try a new one. This time around I try the Brownies Durian Cheesecake. Inilah hasilnya..........

Hopefully, in the future I'll be able to try more cheesecake recipes and techniques. See you in the next entry....Have a great weekend!!

Saturday 22 October 2011

Cake Pop Rock!

Cake Pop have been invading the baking scene since 2008 and gaining it's popularity when a devoted and talented book author Bakerella start to post/upload her cake pop making video in the Youtube and the rest is history. The recipe and technique in making the cake pops have attract may of her fans to try it and voilĂ and my sister also hooked on the trend also (can't blame us coz the little cakes are so darn cute lol). We(my sis and I) have planned to try the cake pops during Hari Raya Aidilfitri to gain insight and feedback from my family,relatives and close friends. So, we agreed to try 2 flavors that are chocolate brownies and red velvet cake. Here are some of the raw shots.....
Cake Pops in the making

Triple Dose Chocolate Cake Pop

Red Velvet Turnover Cake Pop

Hmmm....both are so delicious

The feedback that we get from Hari Raya month was overwhelming. Everyone love it. Even tapau and take home lol. Maybe here it is still new since nobody tried it before. Insyaallah, in the future we will come out with new exciting flavors and daring design.....Stay tune!!!!!

Tarts Ohh Tarts

I'm making these loveable tarts when I tried to savage my leftover Portuguese Tart filling that I stored in the fridge. I was thinking that, hey maybe this could work. So, I search the net for the tart crust recipe and start to jumble up at the kitchen. I must say that I'm a bit furious about the outcome of the tart since the Portuguese Tart that I made before not came out as good as I expected (I fail to do the pastry crust lol). Then, I carefully place the tarts into the oven and pray that it'll came out ok. Dug...dag...dug...dag.... Alhamdulillah after 30-40mins baking away in the oven, these what I got as a result 
Just came out from the oven

Aren't they delightful?

Ready to eat!!!

Pretty Savvy ey :D For a first timer on egg tarts en devour, I'm pretty pround of myself lol. My mom and my sister(especially her) love the tarts. Looking forward to do more trial and error on other filling in the future. Tarts Ooh Tarts.....

Going Vegan with the Rabbit?

I've been trying to search around the net guilt-free cake that not only healthy but also delicious. Then, I stumble upon a "never tried recipe"(since the name kinda offset the mood of eating itself lol). It's CARROT CAKE. See....I told you :D I saw your face crinkle with uncertainty hahhahahaa.... I have the same first impression with the cake. But still, I've studied the ingredients and the steps to prepare the cake and actually it's not so hard to do :D So, I brave myself and tried the recipe with an open heart and mind hoping that this is not a one of my disaster recipe :D When the cake is in the oven baking vigorously, the aroma of the cake perfumed the whole kitchen. Oh my... it was so delicious (can you imagine that even the smell of it already making u hungry, wait till you sunk you teeth in it lol...IMAGINABLE!!!!). Here are some of the shots of the cake....
The first row of the cake already gone :D
With creme cheese topping and drizzle of chunky toasted  walnuts bits
A big slice for the adventurous chef :D

When the cake was cool enough to put the creme cheese topping on, my fellow QC member (Mom, Dad, Sister and Brother) jump to the flavor test. I have to impress my dad since he is not a cake person. Surprisingly, my dad like it a lot and even take second lol. I guess going vegan for this cake are worth it. A wise words from me.....Don't Judge a Cake by It's Name lol..... Have a great week everyone!!!!


Alhamdulillah, at last the blog is up yay! I'll try to keep posted on any updates on our products/discounts/events etc....Start to click those tabs and follow us so together we will start to embark on a new exciting journey of undeniable bliss of good food and new bond friendships.